Common Functions
Database Read Functions
grab_id(bookcode, sch_kw, models, isgl=False, datatype="data", month=None, sch_col="docno")
Description | Fetch the ID of the looked-up entry. Because this function is usually utilized in the page-level search function, it is designed to target string-based column by looking for values that starts-with the search keyword. In case of multiple matches, the ID of the first match (ordered by the search column). |
Parameters |
Returns |
grab_whole_doc(bookcode, identifiers, master_model, detail_models, isgl=False,
datatype="data", month=None)
Description | Retrieve a single document (along with all its sub-entries) to display on the client-side. This function is tailored to the client-side mass-populate routine, so its algorithm leans heavily in that direction. For a more server-friendly retrieval, use prefetch_all_docs instead. |
Parameters | DO NOT rely on argument order beyond detail_models.
Returns | 3 objects:
prefetch_all_docs(bookcode, master_spec, detail_specs, isgl=False, datatype="data",
month=None, headid=None, id_col="id", return_instance=False, crossers=[])
Description | Retrieve one or any number of database entries. Since this function allows retrieval from a master table with sub-tables, it is mostly used with (and thus named) documents, however using it with complex code tables is also valid. |
Parameters |
Returns | 2 objects:
Database Write Functions
gen_dbcommit_resp(dbtype, tbname, model, form, perm_bit=None, allowed_action=None,
suppress_success_msg=False, lock_on_add=True, head_id_col="id",
get_dict=None, skip_validation=False, month=None)
Description | Conduct form validation and, if passed, commit the form data to database. |
Parameters | DO NOT rely on argument order beyond perm_bit.
Returns |
Copy-based Functions
prep_copy(cp_form, bookcode, head_model, detail_models=[], isgl=False)
Description | Interpret and validate the Copy Form. If the validation is successful, retrieve the original document as well. |
Parameters |
Returns | 3 objects:
create_doc_copy(cp_form, copy_params, bookcode, orig_doc, head_model, detail_models={},
isgl=False, omit_cols=[])
Description | Commit the document copying to the proper database. |
Parameters |
Returns | The newly copied document (if successfully copied) or None (if copying failed).
Notes | A notable kink in this function is that the cp_form and copy_params arguments are quite redundant. In the algorithm, cp_form is only used for its automatic document number attribute. If the function assign_autorun is well modified, the need for cp_form might cease to exist.
User Authentication Functions
check_modact_stat(modid=None, modcode=None, mode="activate", response="return")
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
process_beacon_args(internal_args, request)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
process_doclock(beacon_args, module_name, perm_name, headmodel=None, paired_gl=None)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
change_datetime(form, reset=False, date_obj=None, time_obj=None)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
Thread Functions
init_task_db(job_token, overall_load, new_stat="", activity_str="",
suppress_request=True, further_action="")
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
update_task_db(job_token, finished_load=0, overall_load=None,
new_stat=None, activity_str=None, further_action=None)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
read_resus_import_file(job_token, will_abort=False)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
Printing Functions
print_in_thread(job_token, doc_objs, pseudo_mapper, modcode, template_name,
svg_name=None, stat_cols=[], skip_company_template=False,
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
gen_qr(num, qr_type="out", info=None)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
replace_printsvg(tbfm_mapper, modcode, bookname=None, svg_name=None, suffix=None,
job_data=None, clear_printed=True, skip_company_template=False,
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
Spreadsheet Export Functions
gen_spreadsheet(specs, round_all=None, col_desc=None, col_size={})
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
Import & Mass Delete Functions
docimport_to_db(file_path, dbtype, dbname, models, specs, month=None,
verify_cmd=None, post_cmd=None, addi_args=[], autorun_specs=None,
job_token=None, custom_datasets=None)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
doc_mass_delete(dbtype, dbname, models, doc_objs=[], month=None, post_cmd=None,
job_token=None, addi_args=[], docno_to_skip=[])
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
process_doc_file(dbtype, tbname, model, at_form, isgl=False, month=None)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |
gen_random_token(length=10, lower=True, upper=True, number=True)
Description | XXXXXX |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes | XXXXXX |