Multi-component Page

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While CuneiForms and CuneiTables on each of their own can create functional pages for several purposes, most accounting and transaction records require both to be displayed and manipulated in a meaningful manner. And while it is possible for such pages to be perfectly functional by stringing stad-alone forms and tables together, the numbers of requests and database accesses are unnecessarily high.

In the CuneiFox framework, inter-related forms and tables can be linked together via the use of Document Context. Below are the key functions of Document Context:

  • Control page-level permissions and operations.
  • Perform a document-lock/unlock upon entering entering/exiting the page's edit mode.
  • Consolidate populating request for all forms and tables on the page.
  • String together page edit sequence.

Define a Document Context

Document Context is a dict fed to the Flask render_template function. Most of the keys in the dict are handled (with default values assigned, if not given) by a separate Python function prep_mainseq. We shall begin with these so-called Main Sequence keys, then we will discuss a few additional keys.

Main Sequence Keys

  • page_perm (int: defaults to 1): Page-level permission value.
    • 0: Not readable. (Usually users with this permission level should be prevented from reaching the page at all. DO NOT rely on this permission bit as a security measure,)
    • 1: Read-only.
    • 2: Add. (Allows 'add' type actions: add and copy.)
    • 3: Add + Edit.
    • 4: Add + Edit + Delete.
    • ≥5: Add + Edit + Delete + Import.
  • mainseq ([[CuneiForm/CuneiTable,],]: defaults to []): The list of page sequence specifications. Each member is a list of CuneiForms and/or CuneiTables belonging to that specific sequence.
  • mainseq_name ([[str,],]: defaults to []): Basically mainseq, but repacked with _id attributes (str) of each CuneiForm/CuneiTable in place of the object itself. (This value is automatically created can only used for ease of internal references.)
  • mainseq_add (str: defaults to 'plain'): Action type when the page-level Add button is clicked.
    • 'newmaster': The button triggers the addition of a new master entry. (This setting assumes the existence of a Master Form and certain Mass Populate setting.)
    • Any other string: The button triggers the function this_page_add(event). This function must be custom written for each page that needs it.
  • mainseq_del (str: defaults to 'plain'): Action type when the page-level Delete button is clicked.
    • 'delmaster': The button triggers the prompt for the deletion of the current master entry. (This setting assumes the existence of a Master Form and certain Mass Populate setting.)
    • Any other string: The button triggers the function this_page_delete(event). This function must be custom written for each page that needs it.
  • mainseq_modaldel (CuneiForm: defaults to False): If defined, right-clicking on the page-level Delete button triggers a CuneiModal containing this form. The standard Mass Deletion Form is pre-defined at cuneifox.base.main.forms.StdModalDelForm.
  • mainseq_proceed ([str,]: defaults to []): Each sequence's action type when the page-level Proceed button is clicked.
    • 'submit': Submit the first CuneiForm in the current page sequence.
    • 'beacon': Beam a 'proceed' beacon to the server to signal a page sequence change. (For the final page sequence, a 'cancel' beacon is sent instead to signal checking out of the page's edit mode.)
  • mainseq_beacon (url_for_string: defaults to False): Route for beacon transmission.
  • mainseq_search (str: defaults to False): Field name of the Master Form used for page-level search.
  • mainseq_schprmpt (str: defaults to 'Document Number'): Prompt text for page-level search.
  • mainseq_copy (CuneiForm: defaults to False): If defined, clicking on the page-level Copy button triggers a CuneiModal containing this form. The standard Document Copy Form is pre-defined at cuneifox.base.main.forms.StdCopyForm.
  • mainseq_attach (CuneiForm: defaults to False): If defined, clicking on the page-level Attach button triggers a CuneiModal containing this form. The standard Document Attach Form is pre-defined at cuneifox.base.main.forms.StdAttachForm.
  • mainseq_print (url_for_string: defaults to False): Route for print request.
  • mainseq_modalprint (CuneiForm: defaults to False): If defined, right-clicking on the page-level Print button triggers a CuneiModal containing this form. The standard Custom Printing Form is pre-defined at cuneifox.base.main.forms.StdModalPrintForm.
  • mainseq_qr (url_for_string: defaults to False): Route for Payment QR-code request.
  • mainseq_vouch (url_for_string: defaults to False): Route to corresponding Accounting Journal record. (Usually directed through cunei_gl.direct_to_vouch.)
  • mainseq_upload (CuneiForm: defaults to False): If defined, clicking on the page-level Import button triggers a CuneiModal containing this form. The standard Document Import Form is pre-defined at cuneifox.base.main.forms.StdImportForm.
  • mainseq_export (url_for_string: defaults to False): Route to export request.

  • proceed_lock_seq
  • searchers

Page Sequence

Additional Document Context Keys

  • btn_set (bool): Whether the page button sets should be rendered.
  • doccount (bool): Whether the document counter elements should be rendered.
  • docverify (dict): The specifications for the document verification blocks. Each key-value pair corresponds to a single block:
    • The key is a string used for internal referencing.
    • The value is a list ([str, str, str (optional)]):
      1. A short human-readable description of the verification. This value is the popover text when the mouse cursor hovers above the block.
      2. Pill text, a highly abbreviated shorthand string that appears on the block at all time.
      3. (Optional) The name of the function to run when the verification is not an all-out pass. Usually the function serves to highlight the elements where attention is needed.
# Example from Accounting Journal (w/ Input VAT) page
doc_context = {"btn_set":   True,
               "doccount":  True,
               "docverify": {"incomp":   ["INCOMPLETE", "INCOMP", "blip_vouch_tab"],
                             "iwht":     ["INPUT WITHHOLDING TAX", "IN-WHT", "blip_wht_tab"],
                             "owht":     ["OUTPUT WITHHOLDING TAX", "WHT", "blip_wht_tab"],
                             "bvat":     ["TAX INVOICE", "VAT", "blip_vat_tab"],
                             "editting": ["EDITTING", "EDIT"]},
Example of a Document Page
Example of a Document Page: (1) Document Counter, (2) Document Verification, (3)~(4) Page Button Sets

More render_template Arguments

Arguments discussed under this final sub-section are not parts of the Document Context, and are to be fed directly to the render_template function. However, they are commonly utilized in tandem with Document Context, so it seems fit to list them here as well.

  • mass_populate
  • pin_args
  • back_route
  • perm_to_show

Fit the Context on an HTML Page

Page-level Permission & Document Locking

Useful Patterns